Sunday, January 22, 2012

Wool - Will I? Won't I?

So I have always been curious about wool and whether or not it is cool to use in the Vegan community. The short answer is  - no. It's not cool at all.


Well, places that mass produce yarn have been sited treating their animals the same way you see at factory farms. Inhumane handling (punching, mutilating, and other horrid abuses), an abundance of felled animals (animals that can't get up for any reason, even something as simple as dehydration, are left to die) and unclean living conditions. This is more of a problem outside of the US, but since much of our wool products come from other places this is something that I, personally have to consider. (Just Google cruel wool and grab a box of tissues.)

I am an avid knitter and sewer (and beer drinker which really isn't related to crafting, but I am and thought you should know). So I feel like this is something I need to pay attention to because, I love wool and other animal fibers like alpaca or llama.  They are so soft and warm and, to me, feel so much more pleasant.

But come on, I don't love the fiber enough to subject any animals to abuse. So why do I even waiver?

I waiver because I have a hard time imagining that the yarn I buy at these little local yarn shops, have this cruelty ridden wool. I simply cannot picture any local spinner or wool supplier abusing their animals. I am betting I can even go and see their animals. 

Am I wrong in picturing this? Well I am going to find out. My goal is to take several field trips to the places my favorite yarn comes from and see if I like what I see.

In the meantime, I am no longer buying wool from big chains. It is time for me to start embracing, bamboo, cotton, hemp and yes, even acrylic (that squeaky, pilly, yarn from hell).

So tell me friends - Do you use/wear wool? Tell us by leaving a comment below.

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